Any Way You Slice It Purse (Doll Sewing Pattern)


Matilda's Closet

***NOTE: This item is sold on a separate website also owned by Girl’s Gotta Create designer Kristin Rutten. All purchases of this item will occur at***

Create matching dolly and me zippered purses featuring a slice of your favorite fruit!

There are so many options in this PDF pattern, you really can slice it any way you like! In addition to both doll and child-sized versions for all pattern pieces, options include a purse side made of pieced wedges or one solid "slice." Choose from a shoulder strap or an elasticized slip-on wrist version ... or both, as all straps are removable with the click of your chosen clasp.

Also included is a narrower "rind" for your purse so that you can make a slimmer, wallet-style version. And don't forget about all of your options for accessorizing! Try buttons, sequins, puffy paint, crystals, beads ... the list is limited only by your imagination!